Bespoke, automatic fire suppression systems created specifically to meet the needs of your business. 

Merlin engineers work with industry-leading fire suppression systems from all over the world to create bespoke solutions for the specific needs of your business operations and premises.

In the event of an emergency, these systems activate automatically to dispense fire suppression agents, which in turn help to contain or even extinguish the blaze before human intervention is required. Manual activation is an alternative if you prefer to have direct control.

As a result of using these sophisticated fire suppression technologies, losses and damage are minimised, and the risk of a significant interruption to your business operations is mitigated as much as possible.

What is an automatic fire suppression system? 

Automatic fire suppression solutions give you active protection against fire without the need for manual human intervention.

These systems include methods to automatically detect the start of a fire, such as infrared, temperature change and video detection of flickering flames.

When a fire is detected, the suppression system activates, dispensing an appropriate suppression agent for the environment where it is installed.

This may be water, but can also be an expansive fire-retardant foam, an alcohol-proof agent or a specially designed vehicle fire suppression agent like Dafo’s Forrex.

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Why Use a Fire Suppression System?

Fire suppression systems offer an automatic and/or manually activated method to mitigate against fire hazards in high-risk areas such as vehicles, power stations and recycling centres where flammable waste materials are stored in bulk.

They have a range of benefits including:

  • Prevent spread of fire to minimise damage and losses
  • Protect personnel by allowing more time to evacuate
  • Provide time for emergency services to respond
  • Extinguishing systems, which act to control any fires, automatically allow you and your staff to stay safe and get away from the fire, rather than putting your health at risk controlling the fire yourself. 
  • You’ll have the comfort of knowing your premises are protected even when you’re not around with acute fire detection. Fire can break out at any time, having an automatic system means the fire won’t have time to take hold if it occurs out of office hours. 
  • Upon activating, these systems can automatically notify the fire brigade, meaning you’ll get help as soon as possible. 
  • All of this can also often lead to lower insurance premiums, with insurers knowing your business is less likely to suffer major fire damage.

How Fire Suppression Systems Deliver ROI

Automated fire extinguishing systems start to deliver a positive return on investment even if you do not experience a fire on your premises.

They reduce the amount of time and vigilance required for manual fire monitoring, freeing up your fire officers to focus their attention elsewhere.

You may also benefit from reduced insurance premiums, as we supply insurer-recognised fire suppression systems that can have a material impact on the price you are quoted at renewal.

This is especially the case with systems designed to automatically alert emergency services, as many insurers will take into account the faster fire brigade response you will receive using such solutions.


For any further information, please see our list of fire suppression systems frequently asked questions in our collapsable menu below:

How often should fire suppression systems be inspected

The NFPA guidelines require fire suppression systems to be inspected twice a year by a certified technician.

The NFPA also suggests that site owners appoint experienced fire protection experts check deluge systems at least four times each year to ensure reliable detection, deployment and suppression of fire.

What is a fire suppression system & how it works 

A fire suppression system is a group of extinguishing units built to extinguish fires through the immediate application of a suppressing substance. Almost all modern fire suppression technology comprises fire detection components able to detect the initial fire stages such as heat build up & smoke through an ionization or optical smoke detector.

How does a foam fire suppression system work

In the event of an active fire, foam fire suppression systems protect the premises and those inside through forming an airtight blanket that suppresses combustible vapours & cools the fuel itself through reducing the water surface tension. The most common & multipurpose foams used are Class ‘A’ foams, fluorine-free surfactants. These are ideal for usage in coal mines, power generation, tyre and rubber factories, timber mills, paper warehouses, structures and forest fires.

When is a fire suppression system required?

If your fire risk assessment states the need for a suppression system then it is a legal requirement for one must be installed. Fire safety assessments should be carried out by a BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment) registered company to help maximise the safety of your working environment, however they can be legally carried out by any ‘competent person’

How much does a fire suppression system cost?

The cost of a fire suppression system is relative to both the application it is being used for and size of the area requiring installation, be that commercial (BS 12845:2015) Or residential (BS 9251:2014). The other key factor in determining overall cost is whether the design and installation is in regards to an existing property or a new build. New builds often provide the most cost effective fire suppression solution due to being significantly easier to install.

How to install a fire suppression system?

Fire suppression system installation should always be conducted by a qualified fire systems expert.

For professionals, industrial installation generally follows a template process. Initially a safely located cylinder bracket is installed for pressurised suppression agent cylinders. Discharge nozzles are connected to the cylinder valve through a series of secure pipes, hoses and fittings. Nozzles are then located in the  most effective fire targeting areas. Linear heat detection tubing is also installed through the hazard areas and connected to the cylinder valve which will release the suppression agent upon fire detection.

What are the different types of fire suppression systems? 

  • Gas System – Stored as liquid, with nitrogen used to pressurise it, when released the chemical agent has a chemical reaction with the fire and extinguishes it.
  • Water mist System – once released, mist evaporates, starving the area of oxygen.
  • Foam Deluge System – disperses concentrated foam mixed with water as the foam expanding agent
  • Pneumatic Heat Detection Tube. – length of tubing attached to the suppression agent cylinder which detects heat changes, immediately releasing the agent

What gas is used in fire suppression systems? 

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Halon
  • Inert Gases, including Inergen
  • Clean agents such as: HFC-227ea (FM200) and FK-5-1-12 (Novec 1230)

How to Choose a Fire Suppression System

You can find out more about our different fire suppression systems in our Fire Protection Guide, which offers some insight into different solutions for specific applications.

Alternatively, please contact the Merlin team of engineers directly and we will be happy to help. We can arrange a no-obligation consultation to recommend specific solutions based on your premises and procedures.

Finally, we can design and install bespoke fire suppression systems to tackle unique challenges, so if you are facing an unusual fire risk, please contact us for help.

Setting The Standard For Fire Protection Systems