Dafo UK & Ireland

Merlin are the exclusive distributors, parts and service providers of Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection Systems for the UK & Ireland markets, with a base in County Kildare to serve customers in the ROI and Northern Ireland.

Our fleet can respond rapidly to a wide range of calls, to minimise vehicle downtime and provide maximum return on investment.

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Why Choose the Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System?

The Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System lasts for ten years from installation and unlike dual agent powder systems for vehicle fire suppression, it needs only one service per year instead of two.

It was developed over 40 years of research and refinement and has now been installed more than 100,000 times worldwide.

As exclusive suppliers to the UK & Ireland, Merlin can provide this highly rated vehicle fire suppression technology to customers both as a retrofit option and for inclusion on the production line by OEMs.

How does the Dafo System work? 


Integrated early detection of hotspots before fire can break out, to prevent flames from taking hold of the vehicle.



Immediate notification when a potential fire risk is detected, allowing rapid response and, where necessary, evacuation of personnel from the vehicle.



Built-in suppression agent to extinguish flames and cool hotspots, using Dafo’s proprietary Forrex engine coating agent.

Fire Protection Guide

Find out more about this and other fire protection solutions in our detailed Fire Protection Guide, which provides an application-based look at all of our fire suppression products.

Download our Fire Protection Guide here.


More About Dafo UK & Ireland

Dafo UK & Ireland is our trading name for our exclusive distribution, servicing and parts operations with bases in the East Midlands for customers in Great Britain, and County Kildare to provide dedicated service to the Ireland market.

We work closely with all our customers to understand the pressures you face on time, budget and other resources, so that we can recommend the most appropriate fire protection systems whether for vehicles and mobile equipment, static machinery or premises.

If you would like to know more about the Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System, Li-IonFire and the Forrex fire suppression agent, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team and we will be happy to help.

You can find all our details on our Contact Us page. All enquiries are welcome and if you’re not sure what fire protection technology is best suited to your needs, we can offer a no-obligation consultation and recommend one or more suitable solutions.



For any further information, please see our list of Dafo frequently asked questions in our collapsable menu below:

What is a Dafo system?

The Dafo system is specifically designed, tested and proven to be the best option for robust, reliable, 3rd party accredited and insurer approved fire protection for plant and machinery. 

Why use a Dafo system?

The Dafo Fire Protection System is designed and tested to perform reliably, in even the harshest of environments. It offers effective fire protection for valuable vehicle and machinery assets, while also safeguarding drivers, passengers and any people in the surrounding area. Over its 10 year life span, the system offers a cost-effective solution to efficient fire protection and suppression. 

How effective are Dafo systems?

The Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System has been designed and improved over the last 40 years. It has been tested across a range of environments, applications and real world scenarios. The system has been installed over 150,000 times worldwide and in the vast majority of cases, it delivers significant ROI through avoiding the cost of extensive vehicle or machinery damage as a result of fire. Fire Shield Systems is the exclusive licensed installer, service and parts provider for Dafo Fire Protection Systems in the UK and Ireland.

What fire suppression agent do Dafo systems use?

Dafo Fire Protection Systems use Dafo Forrex – a specially formulated fire suppression agent for vehicle engine compartments. This is a liquid agent that combines the ability of dry powder to smother fires, water mist to reduce heat levels and targeted cooling of hotspots to prevent reignition.

What vehicles do Dafo Fire Suppression Systems work for?

The Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System can work on both conventional internal combustion engines (ICE), electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EVs & HEVs) and machinery. For the fastest response, the system can be fully automated, making them suitable for application in parked vehicles as well as those in use. Alternatively, they can also be activated semi-manually. The Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System can be installed across entire fleets for total protection of valuable vehicle assets.

Are fire extinguishers required in company vehicles?

Most company vehicles are not required by law to carry a fire extinguisher. However, you have a of care to assess risks, including fire risks, and take suitable measures to mitigate those risks. Vehicle fire extinguisher systems, like Dafo, can mitigate any vehicle’s fire risks, protecting your assets and your teams operating these vehicles.

How often do vehicle fire extinguishers need to be serviced?

Vehicle fire extinguishers should be serviced annually. For conventional fire extinguishers (e.g. water, powder and CO2) a monthly visual inspection may be advised. Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection Systems (Forrex, powder and CO2) only need an annual service to provide continuing protection, which reduces downtime and maintenance costs.

Do vehicle fire suppression systems come under fire regulations?

In many cases, there is no legal guidance in relation to the use of vehicle fire suppression systems. However, there are certain situations, such as the carriage of dangerous goods (under ADR regs) where there is specific requirements. Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection Systems are designed to suit the vast majority of use cases, but if you’re not sure please ask and we’ll be happy to help.

What type of fire suppression system should be used for off-road vehicles?

Off-road vehicles are often high-value and may be used in remote locations where there is limited access for fire crews in an emergency. The Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System is installed directly in the engine compartment and provides protection for a range of risk areas. The Dafo systems reacts fast to fire providing fast effective suppression in the event of a fire.

How much are vehicle fire suppression systems?

It’s important to view vehicle fire suppression systems as an investment over the lifetime of the vehicle. The Dafo system only requires one annual service, so it reduces servicing costs and downtime. It has a 10-year lifespan in most cases, so you continue to benefit from those savings over time. Contact us if you’d like a quote for a new Dafo installation.

Setting The Standard For Fire Protection Systems