Ports and docks pose an ever-changing range of different fire hazards, with very large open areas, marine and shoreside vehicles, flammable and explosive materials handled on a daily basis.

All of these threats require continuous monitoring, rapid fire detection and the use of suitable suppression systems to contain and extinguish fires as soon as they are detected.

This includes appropriate suppression agents for high-risk materials like biomass, fertilisers, animal feed and wood chip, and vehicle fire protection systems to prevent ignition of engine oils and hydraulic fluids by machinery working at high temperature.

In addition to protecting personnel and equipment, this also reduces the downtime of essential machinery like straddle carriers, which are critical to the continued operation of the port.


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Solutions for Port Skills & Safety

Merlin are members of Port Skills & Safety, and our fire protection systems for the sector have been specifically designed to meet and exceed the highest demands for health and safety.

We have worked hard to develop fire protection solutions that support ongoing operations at busy ports, to protect the welfare of employees, and to safeguard against financial losses and downtime of valuable assets.

Our fire suppression technologies can mitigate threats in containers, portside machinery, marine vessels and where personnel are present, to extinguish fires or contain them until the emergency services can respond.

Overcoming Challenges of Scale

The scale of port operations is difficult to overstate. Activities continue 24/7/365 and any downtime can have a ripple effect of repercussions on schedules.

Activity on this scale requires a large number of vehicles, both marine vessels and land fleet, and port authorities may require all of these to be equipped with appropriate fire protection systems.

By installing cutting-edge vehicle fire detection and suppression systems, you safeguard each vehicle individually and, therefore, add a complete layer of protection to the entire fleet.

This helps to prevent business interruption due to the loss of a critical vehicle or piece of mobile machinery, and can help port operators to meet the terms and conditions of their insurance policies, as well as to negotiate lower renewal premiums in some cases.

Dafo Port Vehicle Fire Protection

Merlin offer 24/7 call-out support for port fleet operators, in the event of an incident that involves one or more of your vehicles.

We are the exclusive UK & Ireland distributors of the Dafo Vehicle Protection System, an innovative solution that monitors key areas in the vehicle for rises in temperature and can trigger a fire suppression agent if hazardous conditions are detected.

The suppression agent, Forrex, has been developed over years of research and experience, as a performance fire-retardant fluid that coats the engine and other parts of the vehicle, to starve any flames of fuel and oxygen.

Get In Touch

Find out more about Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection, as well as our deluge systems and other fire suppression solutions for ports and docks.

You can get in touch using the details on our Contact page. Our engineers are happy to help with all enquiries, to help you decide on the best fire suppression technologies for your port operations.

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