The potential financial losses involved with the destruction of heavy plant and mobile machinery by fire are not the only reason why comprehensive fire protection is essential.

More and more often, insurance companies and industry regulators are requiring accredited fire protection systems to be installed on new vehicles, as well as being retrofitted into older plant where fire suppression systems are not present.

However, the precise nature of those fire suppression systems can be subject to variables like the operating environment, the presence of potential fuel sources and the expected processes and procedures the vehicle will be used for.

Flammable fluids including fuel and engine oils, hydraulic fluids, solid combustible materials in the area and the high temperatures reached by heavy plant engines under intense use can all combine to heighten fire risks still further.

But these factors can also help to specify the best fire detection and suppression system for each application, and Merlin’s team have the expertise to assess your operations and recommend appropriate technologies to reduce and, where possible, eliminate fire hazards.

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Fire Protection Guide

Not sure which fire protection system you need? Check our comprehensive Fire Protection Guide.

All Shapes and Sizes

Mobile plant and machinery comes in many different sizes and shapes, and you may have a single vehicle crucial to your day-to-day activities, or an entire fleet with substantial combined value.

We can work with you to identify the risks regardless of the size, shape and quantity of vehicles you need to protect.

Once we have assessed the risk, we can design, supply and install mobile plant fire suppression systems that can tackle any outbreak of fire in a matter of seconds, to protect your investment in your vehicles and prevent any collateral damage to surroundings.

We also provide ongoing support, maintenance and call-outs so that you can remain confident that your fire detection and suppression systems are working as intended over the years to come.

Fire Prevention for Heavy Plant

The Dafo Vehicle Fire Prevention System is an excellent way to protect vehicles of all sizes, including very large mobile machinery and heavy plant.

It monitors the high-risk parts of the vehicle using linear heat detection, a cable containing two conductors separated by a heat-sensitive insulator.

At temperatures over 160 Celsius, the insulator melts, allowing the conductors to contact one another to complete the alarm circuit.

The cable itself is extremely compact and can be installed throughout the vehicle for comprehensive monitoring.

Its response is very fast, taking just a few seconds when a hotspot develops, and can trigger visible and audible alarms, as well as dispensing suppression agents including Dafo’s specially developed vehicle fire suppression agent Forrex.

Find Out More

Merlin are the exclusive distributors of the Dafo Vehicle Fire Prevention System for the UK and Ireland markets.

We have a base in County Kildare, which allows us to serve the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland markets directly.

To find out more about this innovative solution and other options for heavy plant fire prevention, please contact Merlin today via our Contact page and we will help with your enquiry.

Setting The Standard For Fire Protection Systems