Buses and coaches are susceptible to fires just as other vehicles are. However, due to the large number of passengers routinely carried, the potential outcomes of a fire aboard a bus or coach can be catastrophic.

Physical damage to the vehicle, financial loss and interruption to business are all among the primary concerns, but there is also the question of injury to passengers, as well as the unique challenge of evacuating a fully occupied coach while it is on fire.

To mitigate against all of these risks, vehicle fire monitoring and suppression systems offer an early warning when a fire starts, along with a way to tackle the flames, either to allow safe evacuation of passengers, or to extinguish the blaze and save the vehicle.

Different vehicle fires will present different conditions, depending on the source of ignition and the availability of combustible fuel, but comprehensive vehicle monitoring and a rapid response to any hotspots or flames will all help to reduce losses as far as possible.

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A New Era of Bus & Coach Fire Suppression

Under UNECE Regulation 107, all new Class I & II vehicles placed on the market must be fitted with an accredited fire suppression system.

For the bus and coach industry itself, this is a significant new responsibility introduced in phases in recent years, and Merlin can help by providing consultation and recommending a suitable qualifying vehicle fire suppression system.

As the exclusive distributor of the Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System to the Ireland market from our base in County Kildare, we can supply this solution, which is accredited by relevant third parties and offers excellent value for money.

The Dafo system can be retrofitted into existing vehicles. As such, bus and coach operators keen to meet UNECE Reg 107 standards in their pre-existing fleet can also benefit.

About Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection

The Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System uses linear heat detection, with a small cable that runs through all of the vehicle’s areas where a fire is most likely to break out, such as the engine bay and any high-friction moving parts.

If the temperature in any area rises above 160 Celsius, the insulating plastic layer inside the detector cable melts, allowing two conductors inside to make contact, and triggering the alarm.

This allows for immediate evacuation of passengers, driver and any other vehicle crew, and can also trigger fire suppression systems to cut off the availability of combustible fuel in the area of the fire, and to cool any hotspots.

In many incidents, this prevents a fire from starting at all, and can minimise losses and damage significantly.

The system is recognised by insurers and can help you to qualify for reduced vehicle insurance premiums, as well as meeting the new obligations under UNECE Reg 107.

To find out more, please contact Merlin today, and one of our experienced and knowledgeable engineers will be happy to discuss how we can help you to meet your UNECE obligations and protect your passenger fleet against future fires.

Setting The Standard For Fire Protection Systems