Vehicle Fire Suppression

Vehicle fire suppression systems are an essential way to protect your investment in your fleet, including mobile equipment and heavy plant, plus internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric vehicles (EV)

Once ignited, a vehicle fire can cause significant damage very quickly and can be difficult to extinguish effectively, which is why our systems monitor for early warning signs and act to prevent ignition proactively.

You get peace of mind and positive return on investment, with low-maintenance fire detection and suppression systems that can remain in place for up to a decade.


Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection

Merlin are exclusive UK & Ireland suppliers of the Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System, which uses linear heat detection to identify any developing hotspots and/or overheating vehicle batteries before they burst into flames.

If an emergency is detected, the system raises the alarm and automatically dispenses the proprietary Forrex fire suppression agent, which denies the potential fire of fuel and oxygen, and works to cool down the hotspot to a safe temperature.

From our base in County Kildare, we can supply the whole of Ireland and offer rapid call-out response in case of emergency, without waiting for transportation or delivery from Great Britain.


A Trio of Integrated Systems

The three elements in the Dafo system provide comprehensive protection for your vehicle, personnel and surrounding premises.


Linear heat-detection cable

Continuous detection using linear heat detection cable provides early indications of excess heat and emerging fire risk.


vehicle alarm and siren

In an emergency, the vehicle’s internal and external alarms sound to notify the driver, passengers and nearby personnel of danger.


vehicle fire suppression nozzles activating

The Forrex fire suppression agent is released via hydraulic hoses and stainless steel pipes to all at-risk areas on and in the vehicle.

Very quickly, the vehicle is coated in the special insulating Forrex agent, cutting off the supply of oxygen to the fire and preventing reignition while the engine cools down.



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Fire Protection Guide

Find out more about this and other fire protection solutions in our detailed Fire Protection Guide, which provides an application-based look at all of our fire suppression products.

vehicle fire suppression system

Components of the Vehicle Fire Protection System


We design, supply and install comprehensive vehicle fire protection systems, including:

  • Central control panel and control unit
  • Cab-mounted emergency stop button
  • Audible and strobe light alarms
  • Suppression agent and dispensing nozzles
  • Linear heat detection cable installed in vehicle

Linear heat detection is an excellent solution to monitoring temperatures in small, confined spaces like vehicle cabins.

The cable contains two parallel conductors, insulated by a plastic that melts at temperatures of 160 Celsius or more.

As such, once the temperature of a given spot on the cable exceeds this level, the insulation melts, the wires contact one another and the alarm circuit immediately sends a signal to the suppression system, audible alert and strobe light.

The entire process takes just a few seconds, making it one of the fastest and most reliable ways to not only detect a developing vehicle fire, but to tackle it proactively before it can fully ignite.

Exclusive Distributors

Merlin have an exclusive licence to distribute the Dafo Vehicle Fire Protection System in Ireland and the United Kingdom.

If you would like to know more about this innovative way to prevent vehicle fires, please contact our team today and we will be happy to advise on how to get Dafo vehicle protection installed in your fleet.

Contact us

To find out more about the Dafo vehicle fire suppression system and discuss how we could help protect your fleet from fire risks, get in touch with our specialist team today.

Setting The Standard For Fire Protection Systems